Onboarding new hires can be a tedious process. Setting up new accounts and acclimating them to your company’s procedures takes time, but it’s also important to have an efficient process so that new employees feel welcomed and ready to begin work. This is where your managed Microsoft service provider can come into play.
One powerful tool to use in onboarding is Microsoft Office 365, and choosing managed Office 365 services can help ensure you’re getting the most for your investment in the software. With our expertise, we can help make your onboarding process go smoothly.
Tips for Onboarding Using Managed Office 365
- Work with your managed IT service provider to set up the new user accounts before the new employee’s first day. This will make a smoother transition for them to start working.
- Offer training for Microsoft 365 to help new users get acquainted with the programs they will be using. Microsoft has many resources available: As your managed Office 365 provider, we can point you in the right direction to discover those resources.
- Establish a standardized user profile template within Microsoft 365 to simplify the setup process. This will ensure consistency and simplify the process for new employees.
- Educate new employees on security practices and how to manage any issues. One major security aspect to discuss is how to spot phishing emails that may come to their inbox. Maintaining good cybersecurity also includes secure password management.
- Ensure that new employees have appropriate access to files, documents and folders within Office 365.
- Make sure to keep your Office 365 up to date so that your onboarding process can make use of Microsoft’s latest capabilities.
- Provide resources where new employees can find solutions to commonly asked questions. This can help save a lot of time.
- Schedule a check-in with new hires to address any questions or concerns they may have regarding Office 365 or any other computer programs. After they’ve actually started their work, they may run into some obstacles, which is why we recommend a check-in.
Managed Office 365 Can Help
As mentioned in the tips, some aspects of your onboarding process might be best solved with the assistance of a managed IT provider. We’re happy to facilitate onboarding of your new hires. If you have any questions or concerns regarding managed Office 365 and getting employees up to speed, we are here to help.
Have other questions? Our abilities don’t stop at managed Office 365. Just contact us so we can assist with all of your IT needs.